You Have a Brand 


You have a brand, whether you like it or not. It’s what people say about you when you’re not around. What story do you think is being told?

The Episcopal Church is not working along with many other mainline denominations as they experience 20% plus decline over the past 10 years. How do we shift that trend? How do we start influencing and building a different narrative in our parishes?

“It isn’t clear in many local churches what the church’s theological identity or core story really is and how its practices make a distinct difference in people’s lives.”

- Dwight Zschelle  “Faith + Lead

  (Comments on the state of the ELCA denomination)

Everything communicates. Every interaction a guest has with your parish influences their trust of your brand. Touch points such as your property, website, greeters, decor, systems, parishioners, teaching and service all impact trust. If your brand does not line up with what they see, hear and feel, they will not trust your brand. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the story you want your community telling about your parish? How do you want them to answer that?

  • Why should I be part of your parish?

  • What is an Episcopalian (or any other denomination)?

  • What’s unique about you?

  • How are you improving our community and humanity?

  • What’s in it for me?

How do we give our parishioners “handles” on inviting others into building in our mission? Clarifying your story, developing the language you use and aligning your congregations around that messaging is a great first step. Your parishioners are your brand ambassadors engaging  their workplace, neighbors, friends and families every day.

Here are some examples of what is said that is not very helpful:  

  • “We are very friendly and welcoming.”

  • “We are about making a community impact” 

  • “We are Episcopalian”. That really doesn’t tell me much.

Here are some examples that better represent one’s story:

  • All are welcome here. Really. No matter what your life story has been to this point.

  • Our service is oxygen for the soul, to breathe and renew your mind.

  • We fight injustice and seek to bring true unity to this community. We are on the front lines educating and representing those with less privilege. 

  • No child will go without a meal in our community. No person will not have the opportunity to have a roof over their head at night in our backyard.

What is the story that is being buried in your parish? How can you align your members around that story that needs to be told?

Where are your touch points and actions out of alignment with who you want to become as a parish?

The secret is not in doing more, the secret is doing less. 

Here is a one page Brand Cue Card resource that could be helpful.